The expense of solar screens can shift generally contingent upon various elements. These elements incorporate your area, the number of windows in your home, the size of those windows, the nature of materials utilized, and significantly more. The season you are looking for solar screens may likewise play a calculate the cost. We should take a gander at this multitude of variables and more to sort out exactly how much you could pay for solar screens.

How Much are Solar Screens?

Searching for a fast response? Solar screens can be bought online at for just $29 per solar screen. The expense will fluctuate, nonetheless, contingent upon the size of the solar screen that you want. A typical estimated 80% solar screen (36″ x 60″) costs about $55 which incorporates great Phifer Suntex or Twitchell Textilene solar screen texture and a substantial 5/16″ x 1″ casing.

Peruse on for a more definite response of the amount you could pay for solar screens Atlas TX on your home or building…


The state wherein you live can have a major impact on the cost you’ll pay for solar screens on your home or building. On the off chance that you live in a warm environment state like Texas, Arizona, and Florida, these states have a great deal of solar screen project workers thus you’ll presumably track down better estimating ($50-$100 per screen) because of the expanded rivalry.

On the off chance that, but you live in cooler environment states in the upper Midwest, Upper east, and Pacific Northwest, you might wind up paying something else for solar screens from a neighborhood project worker. With the absence of rivalry, costs can be less aggressive, and that implies you’ll probably pay more ($75-$125 per screen).

Regardless of whether you live in a warm environment state like Texas, assuming you end up living in a more rustic region, you might see that “neighborhood” solar screen organizations won’t go to your area to give you a gauge or play out the work.

Number of Windows

The number of windows you want solar screens for can surely influence the cost you pay per screen. To cover just 1 or 2 windows, you’ll probably pay more per screen than if you were doing your whole home. A lot of solar screen organizations won’t come to your home to give you a gauge on the off chance that you just need 1 or 2 screens. They might have the least requested necessities of $400 or more.

On the off chance that you need solar screens for every one of the windows in your home, you could pay just $60-$70 per screen, yet assuming you just need 1 or 2 windows done, the cost could shoot up to $100+ per screen or more.

Size of Windows

The size of your windows is maybe the most compelling element in the amount you’ll pay for solar screens. The greatest and best solar screen material isn’t modest, so the more you want, the more you’ll pay. Solar screens for more modest windows that are 24″ x 24″ may just cost around $29 per screen. However, bigger windows (model: 60″ x 72″) may cost $80 or more. The bigger the window, the more material you, as a rule, will require, so the higher the expense.

A typical size window of around 36″ x 60″ will cost about $55 if you purchase solar screens on the web (here’s the connection to get them on our site), yet assuming that you buy them through a neighborhood solar screen worker for hire, it could cost fundamentally more.

Solar Screen Material Quality

Around here at Solar Screen Outlet, we trust that Phifer Suntex and Twitchell Textilene solar screen texture is the best solar screen texture you can purchase. It is made in the USA and it is thick and extremely to tear. As we would see it, you can’t track down a superior solar screen texture.

Other than that, we haven’t viewed other solar screen textures as worth utilizing. You might track down solar screens at your neighborhood Home Terminal or Lowe’s, yet on the off chance that it’s not Suntex or Textilene, I would remain away. It will have sub-par execution and may blur and tear over the long run.

Phifer Suntex and Twitchell Textilene solar screen texture is the texture we use here at Solar Screen Outlet since it accompanies a 10-year producer’s guarantee and it works hard at hindering the intensity from the sun.

If you find an abnormally low cost for solar screens on the web or from your neighborhood solar screen project worker, get your work done and figure out what sort of solar screen material they are utilizing.

Kind of Material (80% versus 90%)

There are a few unique assortments of solar screen texture even inside a similar producer or item type. The two generally well-known, be that as it may, are 80% and 90%. The 80% solar screens block around 80% of the intensity that would typically get through your windows and intensity up your home in the late spring. The 90% of screens block around 90% of the intensity and glare.
A few producers even have solar screen material that is as low as 65% and as high as 95% or even close to 100%. The higher % items contain more material (the openings are a lot more modest) so they will be more costly than the lower % materials. If you live in a truly sweltering environment, your smartest choice is likely the 90% material (or 95% on the off chance that you wouldn’t fret about impeding the majority of the view from within), yet on the off chance that you have an extraordinary view to the outside, 80% solar screen texture gives a decent harmony between heat hindering and outward perceivability.


If you’re looking for solar screens in pre-summer or around mid-you might find costs for solar screens are a piece higher. This is because of the way that spring and summer is the bustling season for solar screen workers for hire, so they don’t bring to the table motivations and limits to get clients to get them.

In any case, on the off chance that you can hold on until pre-winter and winter, you might have the option to score an arrangement with a neighborhood solar screen project worker or even a web-based solar screen retailer since they don’t have as numerous clients. Since the request is low in cooler months, the costs may likewise be lower.