Why Solar Screens are a Smart Investment

Solar screens are a smart investment for homeowners who want to reduce energy costs and keep their homes cool and comfortable. Here are some reasons why:

  • Blocks up to 90% of sun’s heat and glare
  • Reduces cooling costs by up to 25%
  • Provides privacy without sacrificing natural light
  • Increases energy efficiency
  • Lowers carbon footprint
  • Enhances curb appeal and home value

How Solar Screens Work

Solar screens are made of specialized mesh fabric that is designed to block the sun’s rays. This fabric is installed over your windows, and it filters out the sun’s heat and glare while still allowing natural light to enter your home.

Other Benefits of Solar Screens

In addition to the benefits listed above, solar screens offer a number of other advantages, including:

  • Protects your furniture and flooring from sun damage
  • Reduces fading of upholstery, carpets, and curtains
  • Improves indoor air quality by reducing dust and allergens
  • Provides added security and insect protection

Why Choose Solar Tex

When it comes to solar screens, you want a company that you can trust to provide high-quality products and excellent service. Here’s why you should choose Solar Tex:

  • Over 30 years of experience in the industry
  • Locally owned and operated
  • Committed to customer satisfaction
  • Competitive pricing
  • Skilled and knowledgeable team of professionals

By choosing Solar Tex for your solar screen services needs, you can enjoy all the benefits of solar screens while knowing that you’re working with a company that puts your needs first.